Archive for door

President Obama

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , on January 22, 2009 by Yarn Over New York

Brussels Art Shop

Brussels Art Shop

I was SO excited for President Obama’s Inauguration on Tuesday.  I have been wearing my Obama button faithfully since Election Night and was really looking forward to watching the Inauguration after work in the green room with an international group of artists and crew.

However, I got food poisoning or accidentally ate a bit of meat or something.  Starting in the middle of the afternoon and continuing on into the night, I got violently ill.  At 6pm here (noon EST), I was at the doctor’s office getting a shot of some wonder drug to make the vomitting stop.  By 9pm, I was able to drink water and keep it down.  Needless to stay, I was not celebrating the Inauguration.

I am very happy and proud that our country might finally be taking a political shift towards sanity and responsibility.   I am proud to have voted for Barack Obama and hope to do so again in 4 years.

I link here to my friend’s blog to show videos and text of the speech.

Election Day - NYC apartment door

Election Day - NYC apartment door

Congratulations, Mr. President (I hope you read the letter I wrote to you about gay rights).